Online Surf Magazine

On a mission to spread awareness and hype around the sport we love

Educate yourself

Learn about every aspect of surfing, from gear – to understanding the ocean. Embrace the culture and get updates from The Championship Tour.


Improve your performance

Browse through the surf training section – Learn new techniques and pick up a healthy workout routine to boost your performance in the water.


Plan your next surf trip

Explore a unique selection of surf travel accommodations. Read our comprehensive travel guides & prepare yourself for the surf trip of your life!

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Surf Travel Guides

Let's spread some hype around surfing!

You probably landed here because of your passion for surfing or your curiosity to learn more about the sport. Either way, you are in the right place!

Surfing has experienced a huge increase in popularity and awareness during the past decades. Travel has become more convenient, making surfing more accessible to many people. Surfboard equipment and the sport itself have gone through a vast evolution, and in 2020 surfing reached a big milestone as it officially became a discipline at the Olympics.

Surfing has changed the life of many, and if you ask us, surfing is so much more than a sport – it’s a lifestyle.

Our goal as a Surf Blog / Magazine is to have a strong voice in the surfing community and help spread awareness around the sport, educate newcomers, and bring exciting content to our readers.

Surf Gear

Gear is an essential part of the surf experience. Without the surfboard, there would be no surfing. However, there is so much more to surf gear than the board itself, and you must know all the aspects of your gear, to ensure a smooth learning process. Having the necessary knowledge about your surf gear will allow you to improve your performance in the water.

We will cover everything from functions of different surf gear – to gear sizing and conditions guidance. We will also highlight the best brands and products on the market – to make the buying process more manageable.


Surf Training

Surf training can be a very complex topic. The best way to train will always be in the water; surfing. However, some do not have the convenience of living by the ocean, and others will experience the benefits of additional training around their regular surf sessions.

With a bit of guidance, there is so much you can do to boost your surfing skills. Yoga will improve your flexibility and balance, workouts can build overall strength, and sports like running and swimming are good for improving your cardiovascular endurance.

Surf Travel

Surf and travel are two things that go hand in hand, and many will find the ultimate joy in the pursuit of the perfect waves. A surf trip is also the perfect setting for anyone new to surfing. If you have been on a surf trip before, you probably know it comes with a lot of planning and timing. The success of your surf trip depends on your level of preparation.

At Surfers Hype Magazine, you will find all the guidance and inspiration you need for your next surf trip. Besides travel tips and recommendations, we will provide comprehensive travel guides to the best surf destinations and a uniquely curated selection of surf travel accommodation.

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